My Week

This week was pretty good and I was excited to get some things done that I've needed to do for awhile.

On Sunday, we went to a different church because our church met at the beach and we're not really beach people. We went to a church that has a sign language interpreter, so I could get some practice. It was a huge disappointment! The church is huge, and not very friendly. They have new visitor parking, but no one is there to greet you. The children's program is very hi-tech and confusing. No one was signing us in, until I decided to try and sign my son in myself, then someone came. It took a long time to find where the interpreter sits because no one took us to the area, they just pointed in a direction. Then, the interpreter wasn't there! Obviously they knew we were there for the interpreter and when I asked where he was, they just said not here. There were other people signing, but no one asked if we needed someone to interpret for us. The service was very disappointing also - none of us got anything from it. After, it was hard to find out where to pick up our son. Then, we just left. No one spoke to us, even though we passed tons of people. So, what we gained from that experience is how much we love our church! Everyone there is so friendly, and has been since our first day there. They genuinely care about each and everyone of us. There are people, especially men, that make sure and talk to my oldest son every Sunday. I love that! My daughter and I are usually teaching a class so we get to talk to lots of kids and parents every week. Even my husband has found a few guys to talk to. We are blessed!

On Monday, I reconciled a bank statement and had a bad experience getting gas. I went to the gas station by Legoland, after dropping my daughter off. I didn't see the sign in time that said the back pump wasn't working; so only 1 pump was working in my lane! There are so many people at this gas station that once you're in a lane, you're stuck there. It was around 20 - 30 minutes before it was our turn to pump gas. Luckily, I have a mini notebook in the car, and my son wrote/drew in it to keep occupied.

On Tuesday, we went clothes shopping, made an anniversary card, and I listed my last things on ebay. I didn't have any luck clothes shopping, but my daughter found 3 tank tops(although she needs more), and my youngest son found a shirt.

On Wednesday, I finally found 2 work outfits - 2 shirts and 2 skirts. My daughter ordered some more tank tops online. We also had a second Sunday School teacher say he can't teach anymore, so now we're down to me and one other teacher. That means my daughter and I are in the Sunday School class 3 out of 4 Sundays!

On Thursday, I sold something on ebay, found some ASL information on the computer, cleaned some kitchen cupboards, my son tried riding a skateboard, and my husband's flight was delayed. My youngest son likes Ninja Turtles, so he wanted to try riding a skateboard. We still have my oldest son's skateboard, so he used that. My youngest son thought you just had to get on and start riding, but he soon found out that wasn't the case. So, his older brother tried to teach him, but my youngest son was so afraid of falling, it was hard for him to learn. I enjoyed watching the two of them work together. My husband rarely goes on business trips, and was only gone for 3 days, but amazingly his flight back home to San Diego was delayed due to a storm!

On Friday, my husband helped me clean out the refrigerator. For some reason, mold had developed on all of the shelves. I'm allergic to it, so my husband had to clean them all. I emptied them, dried the shelves, and put things back, while he washed them. I only had to throw away 1 item because all the rest were still good! I also cleaned some more cupboards and my husband put a drawer liner in one of them. I found some more ASL info too and also ordered a couple of books to use in the classroom.

On Saturday, I was busy grocery shopping all morning, cleaning, then going to Costco. We had dinner at my parents' house.

How was your week?
